Are you having a headache, pain or fever? Grab a Panadol. Having a running nose? Pop a Clarinese. Exhibiting symptopms of an allergic outbreak? Take an antihistamine pill. Getting the cough? Drink some cough syrup. If it was so easy everyone could be a daily doctor don’t you think? Perhaps that is true, so why do people have to study 5 to 7 years to heal people? Or why are there more terminal illnesses and more powerful strains of diseases in the world? Are these doctors not doing enough? Are there insufficient doctors? Or could it be that the concept of healing has been greatly mistaken?
In whatever religion we believe in, we cannot deny the fact that human beings have survived for thousands of years. Way before there were computers, before there were televisions, before there was electricity, and even before there were books. They may have struggled a little bit with much more manual labour, but many lived considerably happier and healthier lives. Now we thrive away on the Internet, watch health documentaries and worldwide news on the latest medicinal research, work extensive hours on extremely complicated machinery and have many million times the knowledge worth in books than way back. Yet we still succumb to all the diseases around us, and as research would prove, we are becoming less healthy on average everyday. Why is this happening? How did people get by healthily in the past?
Or think of epidemics. Massive outbreaks of disease. Very recently, swine flu has taken the world by storm. An outbreak in the region spreads to others by travelling, then word spreads by mouth like wildfire, and before we know it, paranoia has sunk all the way round the world. You could be living under a shell and you would know about this disease. It shows how efficient information can be passed on in this age. How is it that we have millions of scientists in health research not be able to prevent this stream from infecting many? Unless this was genetically engineered by a terroristical act (which is more than highly doubtful), isn’t it silly we have “allowed” this to occur to ourselves? In denial? How else could it have happened if it was not from human influence?
Cancer. This powerful disease has been infecting us for many hundreds of years. In many cases, this leads to an early death. If detected very early, some fortunately recover completely through heavy invasive therapy. Others experience relapses once the initial malignant tumours are removed. There have been many hundred foundations established to research this deadly onset. How is it that there has been no proper cure for so many years? Are the researchers and scientists incompetent and unable to innovate a cure? Is there insufficient funding for this cause? Surely this is not the case.
If you are thinking along the same lines, what I am pointing at is the inappropriate way we are going about improving health. People in the times of the ancients survived not on the most effective and powerful drugs, but by just going about their lives seeking the right amount of light, rest and exercise. People have developed fatal chronic diseases from long term ingestion of poisons and inadequately balanced lifestyles. Nobody has ever possessed the power to direct bacteria or viruses to be killed, it all happens in a symbiotic balance in our body. So why are we being directed by doctors promoting instant cures and heavily processed drugs? Are we too blind to see the truth, or do we just want to follow without questioning the knowledge of a highly educated orthodox doctor?
Do we understand our body and take care of it correctly? Or are we ignorant to it and destroying it over the course of our lifetime?