Creative on its own, yet unique and simple. That is the description of numbers. Numbers form a major core in our lives, whether in our homes like a house number or an important contact detail in the form of a phone number. If we delve even deeper the letters of the alphabet also form a rhythm which can be extracted as numbers. Each item has its own vibration and numerical meaning behind it, and this is the central idea behind numerology.
Numerology can be utilized in various ways, but most often it is used in a form similar to astrology: to define a person’s natural make-up and destiny. In this particular instance, there are 2 main facets that are looked at which are the life path number and the expression or destiny number. Some people argue between whether the life path or expression takes precedence in reading one’s numbers, but it is always agreed that both of these numbers are critical in examining someone.
Before I delve into calculation, there is a basic feature behind each number when it appears in our everyday lives. I shall very briefly summarize each number (do note that most of this interpretations are out of my own memory from reading and may arguably be slightly inaccurate):
- 1 – the number of leadership, originality and aggression
- 2 – duality, partnership, and peace with one other individual
- 3 – creativity of expression, charisma, popularity
- 4 – hard work, routine, building on roots of foundation
- 5 – freedom, desire to travel, change
- 6 – family oriented love, attachment, protection
- 7 – mysticism, research, spirituality
- 8 – materialism, earthly success, determination
- 9 – universal love, detachment of ego, human understanding
There are also master numbers:
- 10 – similar to 1 but usually more focused on the end and rebirth
- 11 – higher vibration of the 2 which is highly spiritual and capable of inspiring
- 22 – higher vibration of 4 which is capable of founding nations
- 33 – higher vibration of 6 which usually involves deep love and sacrifice
You might have noticed that for example an 11 is similar to a 2, or a 22 is similar to a 4. The way this is done is by adding the digits together to become a single digit. So for instance 17 becomes 1 + 7 = 8. A long number such as 12345 becomes 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 , 1 + 5 = 6.
In the next article I shall discuss regarding the life path number. For now, consider the numbers you tend to like, and perhaps we can analyze on a basic level what the number represents.