Cold shower stigma

Natural Healing | Pic of Shower Head with Water
Natural Healing | Shower Head with Water

Does the thought of a cold shower ignite fear within you? Would you feel a sense of avoiding a much needed shower if the water heater was out of order? Do you see yourself reaching for the hot water faucet on every ocassion that is available? Do you dread the thought of swimming in a non-heated pool? Did you know that cold water does not cause the common cold? Let’s examine this fear and point out the benefits of overcoming it.

I guess the first question that would go through your mind is: I don’t like cold showers, so what’s the big deal? It is a well-known fact that for over many centuries, there are small groups of people who plunge into the icy depths rivers ever so often. It is like a hobby to them, and perhaps they even have an addiction to their body being submerged in cold liquid. At a glance it seems like an extreme sport, alike mountain climbing or skydiving, where many go for the hunger of adrenaline. However, this is very much different in actual fact. The stark comparison lies in the result: adrenaline gives one excitement and craving, whereas cold showers rejuvenate and improve one’s health over time.

My grandmother used to tell me that cold showers are good for young people. Back then, I used to think hot water was a luxury which was almost indispensable. To put it frankly, which average household would have no access to heating facilities? In the past and in some systems still in use, the heater would have to be manually turned on a considerable amount of time prior to the intended shower, before which no one would attempt the cold rush. In recent times, things have become automated and you could have hot water as simple as a turn of the faucet. How can one see anything close to a cold shower with such convenient facilities?

Briefly, the health benefits resulting from cold showers are numerous. Firstly, it slows down the body system and constricts the blood vessels. These aids in (extracted from Anna Selby’s H2O):

  • fresh oxygen-enriched blood flowing through the organs
  • improved circulation
  • rapid elimination of toxins
  • prolonged improvement of immunity
  • feeling refreshed all round, especially when feeling down or tired

Furthermore, hot showers taken too long tend to enervate or make you feel tired. So why not start a cold shower today?