When excitement perpetuates over a period of time for which was once very dissimilar, the brain is fooled to perceive that much time has passed since its previous escapade.
Seek Wisdom Words | Life Philosophy | Quotes to Live By
Articles and original quotes on seeking wisdom through life philosophy, including natural healing and divination
Creative on its own, yet unique and simple. That is the description of numbers. Numbers form a major core in our lives, whether in our homes like a house number or an important contact detail in the form of a phone number. If we delve even deeper the letters of the alphabet also form a rhythm which… Continue reading Loving that number
It takes many years to accumulate true expertise. I do not refer to the time it takes to climb up a corporate later, but to really trully be good at something. Many have worked hard and pushed on in a dedicated way not to be better at what they do, but to find a way… Continue reading The broken down car could be yours
It is a common trait among those who are lucky enough to grow to a ripe old age. Our negativity and harsh exterior dampens over time to allow a more calm and relaxed disposition to shine through. Older people get angry less frequently, and tend to exude a calming aura around them. We may not… Continue reading Heat of youth, wisdom of old
Are you having a headache, pain or fever? Grab a Panadol. Having a running nose? Pop a Clarinese. Exhibiting symptopms of an allergic outbreak? Take an antihistamine pill. Getting the cough? Drink some cough syrup. If it was so easy everyone could be a daily doctor don’t you think? Perhaps that is true, so why… Continue reading Does orthodox medicine heal or harm?
We’ve most had that sort of dream where we were walking down the street without anything donned. Or maybe we have that great internal struggle when there are times to show more skin than we feel comfortable with. There is also the other faction of perspective. Perhaps we relate more to the feeling of mixed… Continue reading I’m worth a million because my clothes are